Friday, September 2, 2016

How To Make Synopsis .........A glance at the structure for M.Phil students and Researchers


Pak China Relations in Contemporary War on Terror 

Introduction of Research Scholar:                Introduction of Supervisor:
Name:              ..........................                    Name:            .......................
Roll No.                                                         Designation:     Lecturer
Class:              ....................................          Department:     Political Science
Department:     Political Science                       Institution:        University, Lahore.
Session:           2012-14

(Department name),

(university name) 
(university address)

Program:            M.Phil                                                                     Session: 

Subject:            ............................  
Name:               ............................                                                     Roll No:     
Father’s Name ............................  

Topic of Research:
             Pak China Relations in Contemporary War on Terror and Its Future Prospect
            Pakistan and china are not only friends but also a good neighbor and supporters of eachother.Pakistan are one of from those countries which took steps towards recognizing china as an independent state. The diplomatic relations were started between them in 1951,which established day by day .this friendship initially involved in the context of geo strategic framework, it has become increasingly  dimensional after 9/11,war of terrorism.
Since the events of 9/11, Pakistan has adopted a proactive and pragmatic approach in its foreign relations that helped the country to stage a diplomatic comeback at regional and global levels. Pakistan has been able to effectively transform the post-9/11 challenges into opportunities and as a result has become a frontline state in international efforts in the fight against terrorism. The international community has duly acknowledged Pakistan’s contribution in the war against terrorism and its endeavors to create a stable regional environment by initiating processes to improve its relations with china.

 Pakistan and China consulted each other after the events of 9/11 on the unfolding situation in the region. On September 18, 2001, a special envoy of the then Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, arrived in Islamabad to meet General Pervez Musharraf and other officials and discussed the situation emerging as a consequence of the 9/11 attacks. Pakistan’s decision to side with the US and to provide use of its airspace and base Facilities had initially raised some concerns in Chinese policy-making circles. However, the exchange of high-level visits clarified the Pakistani position that under no circumstances would Pakistan allow its cooperation with the US to undermine Chinese strategic interests. China and Pakistan conducted their first joint antiterrorism military exercise named “Friendship 2004,” in Xinjiang. In April 2005, during Premier
 Wen Jiabao’s visit to Islamabad, the two sides signed a treaty of friendship, cooperation and good neighborly relations as well as an agreement on combating terrorism, separatism and extremism. The comprehensive antiterrorism cooperation from Pakistan has effectively removed the apprehensions of the Chinese side, holding in regard the support of the Uighur Muslim separatists from some of Pakistan’s religious groups.

After the withdrawal of US from Afghanistan, The bilateral relation of Pakistan and China  will be more stronger as both the countries recently   signed a $1.6 billion agreement for a metro train project in Punjab ,it is the open  example of the future prospects .

The objective of this research is to describe the relation of Pakistan and China, and the War on Terror in way where Regional scenario of the withdrawal of US from Afghanistan can be define.

 Significance /Rationale
1: Pakistan and china are important countries in the region ,so the research have more significance.
2. War on terror effects the world politics as well as  the both the countries
3. Us presence in Afghanistan and withdrawal can change the perceptions in bilateral relation of Pak –China and the world. 

  Contemporary War on Terror has put multifarious impact on Pak China bilateral cooperation.

 Literature Review   
The book Pakistan and the War on Terror ,Conflicted Goals ,Compromised Performance  has been written by Ashley J.Tellis by Carnegie  Endowment for International Peace in 2008.In this book  the author describes Pakistan’s approach to the War on terror as per the General Mushraf decision .Explaining Pakistan’s counter Terrorism performance and the Us strategy to counter the War on terror.
The book Focus on China Relations with Pakistan, Domestic Concern has been written by Muhammad Ijaz Buttby Advance Publishers Urdu Bazar Lahore in 2007.. This book deals with political history of china at glance, roots of china Pakistan relation .In this book the political analysis of Sino Pak border agreement and Sino Indian Border conflict and Pakistan Reaction .The vast spectrum of bilateral cooperation between Pakistan and china ranges from political, economic and cultural spheres to the fields of defense ,science ,technology and engineering, china stance on the indo Pak war 1965-1971and on Kashmir issue. Pakistan and china relation in the 21stGwader port and regional approach to the new dimensions is the century, main subject of this book.

The book Living with China, Regional States and China through Tries and Turning Point has been written by SHIPING TANG, MINGJIANG LI AND AMITAV ACHARIA . . This book fills this vacuum  of  debating China's rise and its implications for Asia and beyond has become a cottage industry and much ink has been spilled on whether China is going to be benign or malign power and how other states ought to deal with China, few have bothered to tell the real stories of how China's neighbors have been living with a rising China. Many contributors in this volume have direct access to and have been often consulted by policy-making bodies in their respective countries and thus have intimate knowledge of their countries' way of living with China

The book China-Pakistan Axis, Asia's New Geopolitics has been written by Andrew Small .The Beijing-Islamabad axis plays a central role in Asia's geopolitics, from India's rise to the prospects for a post-American Afghanistan, from the threat of nuclear terrorism to the continent's new map of mines, ports and pipelines. China is Pakistan's great economic hope and its most trusted military partner; Pakistan is the battleground for China's encounters with Islamic militancy and the heart of its efforts to counter-balance the emerging US-India partnership. For decades, each country has been the other's only 'all-weather' friend. Yet the relationship is still little understood. The wildest claims about it are widely believed, while many of its most dramatic developments are hid- den from the public eye. This book sets out the recent history of Sino-Pakistani ties and their ramifications for the West, for India, for Afghanistan, and for Asia as a whole. It tells the stories behind some of its most sensitive aspects, including Beijing's support for Pakistan's nuclear program, China's dealings with the Taliban, and the Chinese military's planning for crises in Pakistan. It describes a relationship increasingly shaped by Pakistan's internal strife, and the dilemmas China faces between the need for regional stability and the imperative for strategic competition with India and the USA.

The book Pak-China Diplomatic and Military Relations,An Analysis has been written by Ahmed Hussain Shah ,Ishtiaq Ahmad Choudhry in Berkeley Journal of Social Science Vol.3, Spring 2013 .The aim of this research paper is to highlight the Diplomatic and Military Relation between Pakistan and China, because these two countries are not only friends but also good neighbor and supporters of each other, their relations are based on respect, trust and mutual co-operation.

The book Sino-Pakistani relations, an assessment has been written by Shahzad  Akhtar. At the time of the establishment of their diplomatic relations, neither China nor Pakistan had imagined that their friendship would become “a model relationship” at some point in future. Initially, their relations revolved around strategic cooperation, Pakistan’s defense needs and the India factor. Over the last five and half decades, they have built such a degree of confidence and trust and deepened their cooperation to an extent that their ties would grow irrespective of any particular component. China enjoys a remarkable amount of respect and is regarded in Pakistan as the all-weather friend of Pakistan. Thus, strong relations with China have become a corner stone of Pakistan’s foreign policy.

 Research Questions
1. What are the main aspects of Pak china relations?
2. Where the relations stand of Pak china in post 9/11 situations.
3. What are Pakistani and chine’s strategy for War on terror.
4. Regional scenario of the withdrawal of US from Afghanistan and Pak China Relations.


 Research Methodology
In this research qualitative method has been used, where collection of data along analytical description can be justified the research, quantitative techniques may be used if needed. It can be categorized as analytical and historical description. It is a secondary type of research where   books of relevant material, journal Articles, News Papers and internet Web sites have been consulted.

Although Pakistan and China relations have many aspects to discuss, yet in this study the research will be focused on contemporary War on terror till 2014.
Proposed Chapters
Chapter No 1:
 Historical Settings.
Sino-Pakistan relations began in 1950 when Pakistan was among the first countries
To break relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan and recognize the People’s Republic of China. Following the Sino-Indian hostilities of 1962, Pakistan’s relations with the PRC became stronger; since then, the two countries have regularly exchanged high-level visits resulting in a variety of agreements. The PRC has provided economic, military, and technical assistance to Pakistan .The strategic partnership between Pakistan and China has been remarkably an enduring Relationship. A quite strange thing that when both countries established their diplomatic relations they had nothing common in history, culture, religion and political system. Both of these states belonged to different ideologies and later joined opposite security blocs created by cold war. Instead of these contradictions both remained successful in maintaining friendly relations which withstood ups and downs of domestic, regional and international contingencies.

Chapter No 2:
 Post 9/11 Situation and Pak China Relations.
After 9/11, Pakistan became a frontline state in the war on terror and offered vital support to the US. China has not only supported Pakistan’s stance on the war on terror but also assisted the country both diplomatically and materially. China’s main interest has been to curtail a nexus of the Afghan Taliban, Pakistani militants and Uyghur separatists in the Chinese province of Xinjiang. Pakistan’s geostrategic location makes it a frontline state in the political, economic and military strategic contexts of regional and international relations. It also offers challenges for Pakistan to architect its foreign policy in accordance with the quadrilateral China-Pakistan-India-US linkage. With the changing dynamics of the region pertaining to the pre- and post-9/11 scenarios the friendship between China and Pakistan has grown to higher levels of cooperation.

Chapter No 3:
 US Presence in Afghanistan and Changing Perceptions in Bilateral Relations.
Pakistan has been at the front line of the counter terrorism campaign of the last fifteen years .Pakistan has suffered greatly both at the hands of terrorists and in fighting them. Due to 9/11 Pakistan has to reconsider its foreign policy .War on terror and Us presence in Afghanistan  effects Pakistan relation with neighbors countries In this chapter particular emphasize will be on Pakistan and China relations, How Pakistan and China  plans to defend its  positions on the war on terror after 9/11 and changing perceptions  in bilateral relations.

Chapter No 4:
 Withdrawal of Us and Future Prospects of Pak China Relations
In 2014 Us is leaving Afghanistan  not completely but Nine thousand and Eight hundred troops will be there till 2016 ,according to the latest address of president Obama. Withdrawal of Us from Afghanistan will effects the relations of the neighboring countries specially Pakistan and China .In this chapter the future prospects of Pak China relations will be discussed after the withdrawal of Us from Afghanistan.



Amin,Shahid,(2011).Pakistan Foreign Policy, A Reappraisal, Second Edition, Oxford  University Press, First Published 2000,Second Impressions.
Bhatti Muhammad Saeed,( 2006-2007). Pakistan Affairs 1857 A.D To date,Lahore, Bhatti Sons Publishers
Shah, Ahmed Hussain,and  Choudhry Ishtiaq Ahmad ( Spring 2013). Pak-China Diplomatic and Military Relations, An Analysis, in Berkeley Journal of Social Science Vol.3.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Jamadi-ul-Sani 29, 1435 AH
Akhtar, S. (2012). Dynamics of USA-Pakistan Relations in the Post 9/11 Period: Hurdles and Future Prospects.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2,(11)
Akbar, M. (2011). Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: Internal Challenges in New Millennium.
Berkeley Journal of Social Sciences, (1)
Aneja, U. (2006). Pakistan-China Relations Recent Developments (Jan-May 2006) IPCS Special Report. New Delhi: Institute of Peace and Conflict Studie.
Dumbaugh, K. B. (2010). Exploring the China-Pakistan Relationship Roundtable Report  CNA Analysis and Solutions.
Fazal-ur-Rahman. (2007). Pakistan’s Evolving Relations with China, Russia, and Central Asia. Slavic-EurasianResearch Center Sapporo.
Khan, M. N., & Haq, N. u. (2011). Sino-Pak Relations Since 1950, Border Agreement 1963 and Timeline Sixty Years of Pak-China Diplomatic Relations. IPRI Factfile
Macrae, J., & Harmer, A. (2003). Humanitarian Action and the ‘Global War on Terror’: A Review of Trends and Issues. HPG Report 14.
Web Sources
Editorial, Post (Lahore), July 9, 2010,
Kashmir Portal,
People’s Daily, April 15, 2010,
Social Sciences, (1)
Aneja, U. (2006). Pakistan-China Relations Recent Developments (Jan-May 2006) IPCS Special Report. New Delhi: Institute of Peace and Conflict Studie 

Report of the Supervisor:
Name and Signature of Candidates:

Name and Signature of the Supervisor

Semester 3(16 weeks)
Work Plan

04 weeks

Comments by Superior
02 weeks

                 08  weeks
                 02 weeks                                     Data  Analysis                                    Do

Semester 4(16 weeks)
Work Plan

10 weeks

First Draft
Comments by Superior

               Second Draft
02 weeks
Final Draft  
                  01 weeks                              Submission of Thesis                                  Do


Unknown said...

very good ,keep it up ,student and researcher should read and get guidance..............

zahid with love

Muhammad Farooq Chohan said...

this is a very good informative and excellent effort and kepp it up for the knowledge seekers.....

Muhammd Farooq Chohan ....

columnist daily jang group ......

inam alvi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
inam alvi said...

thanks imran ahsan bhai

Anonymous said...

Very nice n good afford

Unknown said...

boht khoob .......ala to kamal ker dia alvi sb ap nay .........research kay logo ko to is baray may lazmi pata hpona chaye or boht say log is hawaly say mushkil ka shekar ho jatay hay ,,,,,,,kepp it up

Unknown said...

very informative and nice blog ustad geee keep it up this is very good for the researcher ......

Unknown said...

very good its an informative for thesis students ..students should visit this blog for synopsis (Y) recommended

Unknown said...

this is very informative and student should consult this ....very nice alvi sb keep it up

Muhammad Farooq Chohan said...

very goood and informative

Unknown said...

boht khoob

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