Saturday, July 9, 2016

Pak-China Relations in the 21st Century

Pak-China appreciate model neighborly ties managed changes of governments high points or low points in worldwide circumstance, be that as it may, truth be told, have been extending and turning out to be considerably more profound. It is in light of a legitimate concern for both the nations to watch out for the new and rising local and worldwide situation and concoct suitable methodology. The choice of "Provincial Situation and Security"conversation between the Chinese and Pakistani researchers.

Paki-China arranged a region incredible land significance has a large portion of the world's populace. Alongside the HR, the range is likewise rich in normal material assets. Relationships between China and Pakistan see as the time tested in all weather. Both countries help each other in time of need. The military relationships of both countries are very strong and significance of this region.

 Stability in Region and Threats

پارلیمنٹ کی سپرمیسی اور ادارے۔۔۔؟

 اسلام آباد ہائیکورٹ کے جج جسٹس محسن اختر کیانی  کے بیان  کہ"  عدلیہ، پارلیمنٹ اور انتظامیہ سمیت تمام ستون گر چکے ہیں ،عدلیہ کا ستون ہ...