Monday, February 29, 2016

US Presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Throughout the most recent one decade, the US has sought after associations with Pakistan & India. US interfere in matters of Islamabad and New Delhi without respect to their established and unmanageable security rivalry.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Results ................US Withdrawal from Afghanistan

The United States invaded Afghanistan under United Nation’s mandate. At the time of invasion it seemed that the US would accomplish its mission by rooting out the Taliban and then establishing a fully functional democracy in Afghanistan. However, the current situation of law and order is worse than ever before.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

pakistan and China lasting relations

Pakistan  and China lasting relations can’t be found  in the history .The development of this relationship went higher and higher ,day by day .Terrorism has become a major and highly destructive phenomena in recent years .Nine Eleven incidents of terrorism changed the world politics, so for the politics and foreign policy of Pakistan also changed .

پارلیمنٹ کی سپرمیسی اور ادارے۔۔۔؟

 اسلام آباد ہائیکورٹ کے جج جسٹس محسن اختر کیانی  کے بیان  کہ"  عدلیہ، پارلیمنٹ اور انتظامیہ سمیت تمام ستون گر چکے ہیں ،عدلیہ کا ستون ہ...